Red Maca
Red maca is a tuber originating in the Andean area of Peru and was used as food since the time of the Incas.. The red maca crop in Peru represents 25% of the annual maca crop. Among all the colors of maca root, red maca has been highly appreciated for more than 2,000 years. It is considered essential for a productive life at high altitudes and was even used as an exchange currency between the Incas and early Spaniards in the Andes.
Properties of the Red Maca
There have been numerous scientific studies that have determined the components of the red maca and its health benefits. Although there are approximately 13 ecotypes or varieties of maca, red maca is one of the most studied; and for its demonstrable beneficial effects on human health and diet, this variety is highly demanded.
Red maca has antioxidant, antitumor and regulatory properties for prostate function. This tuber also has properties that slow down aging and promote bone regeneration, as well as boost the immune system.

Red Maca
Benefits of Red Maca in Men
Among the most popular benefits of red maca is the improvement of male health. In this sense it has been shown that red maca can reverse the growth of the prostate without affecting testosterone production and maintains the function of the seminal vesicle. These properties allow the prostate to maintain its function in seminal regulation and fertility.
Another benefit of this tuber on male health is the decrease in prostate swelling due to benign testosterone-induced hyperplasia, a condition that frequently affects men over 40 years of age, it is for them that this group is one of the most consumed red maca. In addition to this it is believed that the consumption of red maca can contribute to the prevention of prostate cancer.
Red Maca as an Antioxidant
Given the antioxidant properties of red maca, it provides anti-aging benefits. One of the molecules of the human body related to aging is interleukin 6 and it has been shown that people who regularly consume red maca have lower concentrations of that molecule. Red maca helps stop premature aging and helps fight free radicals, reduce oxidative damage in cells, this is due to its high antioxidant power, which is in turn due to high concentrations of glutathione and enzyme peroxide dismutase present in the red maca.
Red Maca good for Osteoporosis and Women
Red maca is also a supplement that prevents and reverses osteoporosis, it has even been shown that people who consume red maca have a more considerable osteoporosis reversal than people who consume estradiol (estrogen indicated for osteoporosis treatments). In addition, it was also observed that long-term consumption of estradiol can cause side effects (such as damage to other tissues), however, when red maca is consumed, these effects are not observed, so this tuber represents a natural alternative to the treatment of osteoporosis.
For menopausal women, maca is usually a good adjuvant in the treatment of discomforts such as hot flashes, hot flashes, migraines and other symptoms. This property of the red maca is conferred by the natural phytosteroids present in said tuber. In addition to the fact that the red maca increases the levels of IFN-γ (interferon gamma) which is a molecule produced by the body, which has positive effects on the improvement of osteoporosis.
Other Health Benefits of Red Maca
Due to the high content of alkaloids present in red maca, it has benefits in boosting the immune system because it stimulates phagocytic or defense cells. Therefore it helps prevent colds or the spread of any disease that is related to a loss in the immune system due to stress, nerves or distress. It is also believed that red maca has positive effects on anemia and depression.
Red maca can also be used to fight alopecia (baldness) in both men and women. Alopecia can be caused by various symptoms such as stress, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, or alopecia due to androgenic loss in man. The nutritional properties of red maca allow to combat all these effects and contend alopecia.
Nutritional contribution of Red Maca
From a nutritional point of view, red maca is the variety that contains the highest concentration of antioxidants and amino acids. It has also been demonstrated among all macas, red maca contains higher levels of phytonutrients including alkaloids, tannins and steroids. In general, red maca contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fibers. As for the contribution of micronutrients, it is known to be a good source of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, potassium, iron, copper and sodium. A fact that cannot be overlooked about the nutritional profile of red maca, or of the Andean maca in general, is its varied content of amino acids; This includes glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine and valine, among others.

Red Maca
Who should and how to take Red Maca?
For all the benefits of red maca, it is recommended for men who have prostate problems, women who want to increase fertility and libido, menopausal women suffering from osteoporosis, as well as for people in general who wish to increase the nutritional value of their diet and prevent diseases caused by oxygen free radicals that our body produces naturally.
Red maca can be found in different presentations: in the form of powder, in gelatanized capsules and tablets. This can be consumed in a dose of 1-5 grams mixed in with milkshakes or yogurt. Red maca is very easy to eat since it has a characteristic malt flavor that makes it ideal for the preparation of desserts and sweet drinks.

Red Maca Powder
This tuber is widely consumed today for its proven positive effects on human health, mainly for its effects on prostate diseases and for its benefits on osteoporosis. This variety of maca, like the others, is considered a superfood with many benefits on nutrition and because of its organic characteristics it does not present contraindications in its consumption.
Buy our Red maca powder, brought to you straight from Cuzco with love and care.