World Soil Day

World Soil Day 2019 (#WorldSoilDay) and its campaign “Stop soil erosion, save our future” aims to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems and human well-being, addressing the growing challenges in soil management and increasing soil awareness and encouraging governments, organizations, communities and people around the world to commit themselves to proactively improve soil health.

Since 2012, on December 5th of each year an awareness is made to highlight the importance of soil as an essential component of the planet and a vital contributor to the well-being of humanity. This and every day should raise awareness about the importance of healthy soil.

Importance of World Soil Day for Agriculture

The theme of World Soil Day this year is to stop soil erosion, saving our future. The day focuses on the growing challenges in soil management and raises the profile of healthy soil by encouraging organizations, governments, communities and individuals around the world to work to improve soil health and conservation for future generations.

The ground provides us all: nourishment, clothing, building materials are all produced by the ground. From the soil are born the healthiest resources of nature. These resources contribute to health, social and spiritual well-being, and also provide important nutrients for our body.

About soil pollution

Soil pollution is a global problem that is not only leading to soil degradation worldwide, but also resulting in food, water and air poisoning.

The soils have the property of softening polluting effects, however their capacity is not unlimited. Why?

• The origin of most pollutants is the product of human activities that are not friendly to the environment, such as industrial activities, unsustainable agricultural practices, untreated urban waste, mining and other practices that are harmful to the environment.

• Technological advances has brought evolution and development, however, scientists have not been able to identify many pollutants. This has aggravated soil contamination.

How to combat the problem?

The Sustainable Development Goals foreseen in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are clear regarding the considerations for the conservation and protection of soil resources.
These objectives point directly to soil contamination and degradation in relation to food security. Fighting soil pollution requires that all nations join forces and turn determinations into actions.
Today more than ever it is necessary to create the solution in soil contamination. Andean Natural joins the celebration on December 5th and advocates for the care and protection of soils around the world.


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