Different Varieties of Maca
The varieties of the Maca are distinguished by the colors of their fruit/root mainly highlighting these 3 varieties:
• Red Maca: Anti-inflammatory, antitumor, rich in calcium.
• Black Maca: Spermatogenesis, immune system, memory and concentration.
• Yellow Maca: Hormonal balance, energy and vitality.

3 types of maca
Undoubtedly Maca, besides being a superfood, has the ability to balance the hormonal system in both men and women, increases libido and energy production. Studies are currently being carried out to verify its benefits to combat depression and reduce stress, thanks to its flavonoid content.
Maca has also been shown to improve sperm production and mobility, important factors in male fertility.
Yellow Maca
This food is ideal for an optimal hormonal balance, recommended for women who are going through menopause. It also helps to increase bone density and gives a good mood.
This variety of Maca is cultivated in the Andes of Southern Peru in the regions of Pasco and Junín, especially the Meseta del Bombón above 4,000 masl and in a very extreme and harsh mountain climate.
Because of its pleasant and strong flavor is preferred among the three main varieties and the one that has the most properties for human health, its properties in spermatogenesis have been proven in several species of animals and man.

Yellow Maca roots
Due to the fact that maca is a food that contributes mainly to vitality, added to the aforementioned properties it offers aphrodisiac characteristics for what is also very popular, this makes it not recommended for people with insomnia and hyperactivity problems.
One of the main effects of menopause is decalcification, which makes this variety of maca ideal because of its high calcium content higher than that of milk, in similar proportions we find phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. Other important minerals but in a lower percentage we have copper, zinc and iron.
This prodigious tubercle has proven effects against anxiety, depression and stress, a study in 2008 proved its effect on women with a small dose of 3.5 grams of Maca powder.
It is consumed dehydrated and pulverized to be added in shakes or accompanied by fruit juice, or liquefied if you have the opportunity to get it fresh. As you will see, this superfood of the indigenous people of South America has many health benefits and you can find it in many places of the world for its proven effect. Buy yellow maca capsules here.
Red Maca
Ideal for men with erectile dysfunction problems, in addition to contributing to spermatogenesis is recommended for those who have hyperplasia in the prostate, also provides benefits for the seminal vesicle as it ensures its normal functioning, studies show that sperm are shown with more vitality and increases immunity.

Red Maca roots
- In a study published in the Journal Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2005; 3:5, researchers reported that red maca significantly reduced prostate size in rats. This effect was exclusive to red maca, and was not the case for either the black or yellow varieties.
- Another study published by researchers from the Peruvian Journal of Experimental Medicine and Public Health, found that red maca had protective effects on the bone structure in rats with osteoporosis. This research has positive implications for the effect of red maca on bone health.
One of the great benefits of this variety of Maca is that it has antidepressant effects in many animals, according to a study by a renowned Peruvian University in 2013 and by the renowned Endocrinologist Manuel Gasco.
We can not fail to mention the anti-inflammatory properties that this prodigious root has, its proven effects in both men and women are proof of how beneficial this tubercle is for humans.
The red maca can be cultivated from 3600 masl, it is currently produced in the highlands and in the central regions of Peru. The characteristic color of this variety is due to the fact that it grows in extreme climates, that is to say a lot of heat during the day and an extreme cold at night, also taking into account the extreme conditions of its environment does not require any type of pesticide or other chemical for biologic control.
Black Maca
Known as the black gold of the Andes, super food of millenary use. It is the rarest variety of maca, it has a flavor compared to roasted soybeans; it is used to improve sexual performance, it is even called the Viagra of the Incas and represents only 15% of the total production of Peruvian maca.

Black Maca roots
In addition to having 7 of the 8 essential amino acids, this variety has high levels of macaridin found only in the Andean Maca. We must not fail to mention the macamides and macaens, these fatty acids are able to stimulate the endocannabinoid system of man, contributing to the reduction of stress and depression.
Its proven action to regulate the hormonal system has gained popularity because it is very sought after by men and women as an aphrodisiac stimulant, that is to say it increases the sexual appetite, this effect is related to the reduction of anxiety in men suffering from erectile dysfunction.
The benefits of this prodigious plant go beyond being a natural aphrodisiac, it also becomes the best seminal restorative. A study carried out by a prestigious medical journal has shown the increase of spermatozoa in counts made in the frame of the investigation, this has been confirmed by another study conducted by a similar study by the Peruvian endocrinologist Manuel Gasco.
Another benefit of black maca is its activity on the pancreas and the thyroid, that is, it is a complete regulator of the endocrine system, as well as being an effective antioxidant. IIt can be consumed even by children because its high calcium content stimulates bone growth and is useful for injuries such as fractures, also recommended for people with rickets and osteomalacia.