It is very typical of cultures around the world, to establish iconic dates that mark a before and after, in their passage through this land. They are dates to stop for a moment, look around and reflect on all the blessings received. That is Thanksgiving for Americans.
Since the Mayflower arrived on the shores of Massachusetts, the coexistence between natives and pilgrims was difficult. The official story – and the untold one – are littered with bloody and dark events. Despite this, today Americans try to rescue the events that gave rise to their country and their culture. Thanking is a start.
The first Thanksgiving celebration

The Thanksgiving holiday was declared a national holiday by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863. This has its origin in a celebration held in 1621 between English pilgrims settled in Plymuth (Massachusetts) and natives of the Wampanoag tribe.
The Pilgrims arrived in these lands in 1620, on the Mayflower, to settle with their families in American lands. Unfortunately, they arrived out of the season to plant, unaware of the climate and indigenous crops. Because of this, most died of hunger and cold during the winter.
This prompted the Wampanoag tribe to offer their aid to the decimated settlers. There was an exchange in which the natives contributed their knowledge of agriculture and the pilgrims what they knew about weapons and defense. Thus, the settlers achieved the first successful planting in their new home.
To celebrate and give thanks for the abundance, a Thanksgiving dinner was held that brought together natives and Europeans in a holiday that lasted three days. According to historians, it was the first social, cultural and political alliance between indigenous people and colonizers.
Give thanks for a bountiful harvest
It is a holiday without great excuses. Just a meeting with family and close friends to give thanks for what has been accomplished during the year. Originally, for harvested food. Currently, for all the good things: work, food on the table, family.

Thanksgiving is celebrated every fourth Thursday in November, when people across the United States move to reunite with their families. In a dinner that tries to preserve the essence of the first, a table covered with dishes based on pumpkin, blueberries, corn and turkey is used.
However, it is necessary to mention that the pumpkin pie is of recent date since, by that time, the colonists had consumed their reserve of flour, they had no milk or cider. The squash, abundant in season, was simply cooked.
Also, during dinner in 1621, diners seem to have enjoyed much more than the pumpkin. There were watercress, corn, wild berries, nuts, plums, fish, lobsters, venison, and birds. For some chroniclers there is no evidence that it included turkey, since that is what the pilgrims called all wild birds.
3 reasons to celebrate Thanksgiving
Americans don’t need many arguments to say thank you every fourth Thursday in November. It is one of the traditions most deeply rooted in their identity and sense of belonging. However, three reasons could be mentioned that make this date something very special:
1. Strengthen family and friendship ties
Surely the most important reason is to reconnect with loved ones. Nobody wants to be alone on Thanksgiving and thousands are mobilizing across the country, the days before. Either to enjoy the delicious dinner or to watch the soccer games accompanied. The idea is to strengthen the family union.
2. Remember that man does not live on junk food alone
Today’s fast-paced life has led a large part of the population, not only in the United States, to relegate their diet to the background. Fast street food full of empty calories has replaced mom’s food, with its vegetables, fruits and proteins in fair proportion.
Thanksgiving is a break from this riotous race. The ideal time to gather around the family table, eating a meal made with love and healthy products. Tradition requires the use of ingredients from native indigenous agriculture. Therefore, at dinner the following dishes:
- Green bean casserole. Based on cooked green beans.
- Mashed potatoes
- Cornbread
- Cranberry sauce
- Pumpkin cake
- Apple or blackberry pie
- The traditional drink is apple cider
- The inevitable baked turkey
Although many other recipes typical of each region can be added, corn, pumpkin, apples and green beans, in any presentation they will not be missing.
3. Recognize the role of indigenous peoples in the birth of the United States
Possessing a rich culture and great human quality, the Wampanoag helped the settlers who survived the harsh winter, revealing their secrets to farming and hunting. They taught them all about corn. The pilgrims did not know this food until their contact with the Wampanoag.

Corn in all its varieties, white, yellow, blue and red became the main element of the colonists’ cuisine. They also dried and stored it to survive the coldest months. The United States owes all of this to the Wampanoags.
At Andean Natural, we recognize the value of events that promote healthy eating. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of consuming healthy products, offered by Mother Earth, as a habit of life. Products such as Cacao Powder, Maca, Purple Corn Powder, among many others, offer the balance that we all need in our body.
Also, faithful to our philosophy of supporting the indigenous peoples of the world, we vindicate the role of indigenous people in the birth and consolidation of the United States. Understanding that they are not part of the past but of the present of that country.