Nopal Powder (300gr)

Nopal Powder (300gr)



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Product Details

Nopal Powder

The nopal is rich in fiber and vitamins, especially vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B2 and vitamin B6, and in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and copper.



🌵 Natural antibiotic, infections of all kinds
🌵 Source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber
🌵 Helps with constipation, hemorrhoids and irritable colon
🌵 Contains vitamin A, C and E.
🌵 Rich in calcium, 100g is equivalent to 80mg of calcium
🌵 Eliminates and purifies harmful fats and toxins with great ease
🌵 Cellular regenerators
🌵 Fight cellulite
🌵 Cure fluid retention
🌵 They contain chlorophyll, which helps purify the blood
🌵 They contain anti-cancer properties, helping to prevent the spread of malignant cells and the growth of tumors.
🌵 It has hypoglycemic power
🌵 Rich in amino acids
🌵 Fights and prevents arteriosclerosis.

Additional information

Weight 320 g
Dimensions 4 × 16 × 22 cm


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