Noni Powder (150gr)

Noni Powder (150gr)

 Noni Powder ~ 100% Natural  Superfood!


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Product Details

Noni Powder

Noni powder is an excellent natural antioxidant and immunostimulant, with a high content of vitamins and minerals. Contributes to improving metabolism and strengthening the immune system!


Today, noni is considered a food, not a medicine, which, taken as a food supplement, has restorative or regenerative effects at the cellular level and, in combination with medicines, can help combat cancer.


✔️ Stimulates the immune system.

✔️ Contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

✔️ Protects the cardiovascular system, nourishes the intestinal flora.

✔️ As a nutritional supplement in juices and smoothies.

✔️ Ideal for medicinal use and pastry application.

Antimicrobial effect

The extract of its fruit contains anthraquinones, alizarin and L-asperuloside, to which antimicrobial characteristics capable of fighting Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli bacteria and the tuberculosis bacillus are attributed.

Promotes the digestive system

Due to its antimicrobial and antiparasitic properties, it is capable of fighting Helicobacter pylori and helps in the treatment of ulcers, gastritis or intestinal parasites.

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory

Calming benefits, sedative and anti-inflammatory effect are attributed to it. It seems that the substances in noni juice are capable of inhibiting COX-1 enzymes, which cause inflammation, and patients with inflammatory diseases notice improvement if they complement conventional treatment with noni juice.

Improves the immune system

It seems that a polysaccharide present in the noni fruit is capable of stimulating T lymphocytes (white blood cells) increasing defenses. Research carried out by the University of Chicago observed a significant increase in the gland that generates T lymphocytes in those animals that had received noni juice daily.

Reduces triglycerides and blood cholesterol.

A study published in 2012 confirmed that a group of smokers, with high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, who were given noni juice for 30 days, improved their lipid profile.

Cancer prevention

It seems that noni extract potentiates the effect of certain medicines that are commonly used to treat cancer.

There are many studies that have focused on investigating noni and the prevention or improvement of cancer. The American Association for Cancer Research presented a study showing that a special noni extract had a clear anticancer effect in mice (life was prolonged in 75% of cases). Other studies have shown that noni juice is capable of curing 25% to 45% of animals affected by sarcoma.

Helps control diabetes.

In 2008, a group of researchers from the University of the West Indies studied the effect of noni juice on blood sugar levels in a group of mice with diabetes. The group of mice that received insulin combined with noni juice had lower blood glucose levels than those that received insulin alone.

Antioxidant power

It contains a large number of antioxidant substances, including selenium, xeronine, lignans, anthraquinones, terpenes and scopoletin, which neutralize the famous free radicals, preventing premature aging of tissues.

Additional information

Weight 160 g
Dimensions 14 × 3 × 20 cm


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