Maca, Quinua and Kiwicha (20 toffees)

Maca, Quinua and Kiwicha (20 toffees)

Maca, Quinua and Kiwicha ~ 20 toffees 🍬


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Product Details

Maca, Quinua and Kiwicha toffees

Macais already literally known and highly appreciated around the world even in China for its invigorating powers that act on the hormonal system.

If we add Quinua & Kiwicha, both very highly nutritional plants (Superfoods), there is little that we have to add to convince you to try this delight made with ingredients valued throughout the universe.

Maca, Quinua & Kiwicha toffees

Read more about maca and its wonderful properties in our Blog.


Brown sugar, glucose, vegetable fat, maca, quinoa, kiwicha and natural milk.

Additional information

Weight 105 g
Dimensions 10 × 4 × 17 cm


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