Kambo Sticks
Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $43.00.

Kambo Sticks

1 Kambo Stick

(contains 100 dots) from the Matses tribe of the Amazon
Phyllomedusa bicolor 🐸

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $43.00.

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Product Details

Kambo “The frog that heals”


What is Kambo?

Name given to a frog that lives in the trees of the Amazon rainforest, specifically in the border between Brazil and Peru. Of scientific name Phyllomedusa Bicolor. The body secretion from the glands of this animal is used as a remedy and medicine by the natives since ancient times, specifically by the Matses people (Mayoruna) in the Matsés Indigenous Reserve that was established in 1998.  Kambo is a secretion from the bright green monkey frog “one of the strongest natural antibiotics and anesthetics found in the world and one of the strongest, natural ways to empower our immune system.”



What do the natives use it for in the jungle?

They occupy it as a vaccine, as a prevention of diseases typical of that geography such as malaria, yellow fever, snake bites and other epidemic diseases of the jungle; also to get rid of  “panema”  which is the feeling of tiredness or laziness, so have the will to go hunting and bring food to their family.

What diseases can it be used for?

It is used for the treatment of multiple pathologies, such as:

Infectious diseases

Due to its direct action in boosting the immune system, therefore also for the treatment of Auto-immune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, psoriasis; for its anti-inflammatory action, tendinitis, carpal tunnel.

Depression & Addictions to synthetic drugs

Cocaine, alcohol and medications, hepatitis, infertility of men and women, blood circulation problems.

It has excellent results in treatment with acute pathologies such as cancer

No contraindication even if the person is in palliative medical treatments of cancer (radio and chemotherapy). On the contrary, by boosting their immunology, it recovers T and B lymphocytes that chemotherapy eliminates without discrimination.

In children it can be used as a vaccine

Many other pathologies are treated with Kambo, there are many testimonies of miracalous healings and cures of this wonderful remedy..

To learn more about Kambo read the following slideshow https://www.slideshare.net/konathamtejakumarred/kambo

Additional information

Weight 30 g


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