Aguaje Capsules for Sale
Aguaje Capsules

Aguaje Capsules

Aguaje Capsules 🍓 (75 x 500mg)


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Product Details

Aguaje Capsules

💎 PREMIUM QUALITY: Best nature organics Aguaje Capsules. Harvested fresh from the Andean Amazon, 100% natural. The best natural supplement for ladies’ wellbeing.

🍃 PRODUCED IN PERU: recognized for its great variety of plants and crops, which were used for years by the Incas thanks to its health benefits

100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: Definitely our product gives you the self-confidence to look and feel your best.

Aguaje Capsules helps the women’s body increase its shape since it contains sitoesterol, generator of female steroid hormones. improving skin and hair naturally. One of the foods with the highest content of Vitamins C, A and E that help in the internal and external care of the body.

Main components of Aguaje Fruit in capsules:

  • Beta carotene (Pro-vitamin A)
  • Tocopherols (Vitamin E)
  • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).

Contains 21 to 38 times more pro-vitamin A compared to carrots, it contains 25 to 31 times more vitamin E when compared to avocado, similarly to orange and lemon in vitamin C. 

Aguaje Capsules Image

Benefits of Aguaje and also Red Maca to point out:

Among the benefits that this amazon curvy fruit offers us are:

    • Extraordinary natural antioxidant,
    • Phytoestrogens: anti-cancerous properties,
    • Regulate Menstrual cycle,
    • Promotes the beauty of women, increasing the buttocks, thighs, chest and hips Its content of vitamins A, C, E which helps keep skin, respiratory, stomach healthy,
    • Moreover it lower your cholesterol,


Benefits of Aguaje and Red Maca


Nutritional value per 100 grams of edible portion of Aguaje Capsules:

Energy Value (cal): 265
Water (%): 72.8
Proteins (g): 3.0
Fats (g): 10.5
Fiber (g): 11.4
Calcium (mg): 1.2

Take 1 to 3
in order to have an optimal result.

* Try to avoid sugar since it blocks the production of estrogen and can cause hormonal imbalances with women.


We ensure that all of our customers are certainly satisfied and thrilled about our fantastic supplement. This product helps so many customers regarding various issues, given this points we are confident it will work for you.

We ship to all countries from around the world through the national postal service from Peru.


Additional information

Weight 90 g
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 12 cm


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