The graviola or its scientific name Anona muricata, is a tree that has a lot of benefits, which help us promote good health, this is due to the amount of proteins, minerals and vitamins that the plant has. Among some of the properties obtained from this tree are helping the good functioning of the organism.
Among some of the medicinal and beneficial aspects are the improvement of the digestive process, since it has a large amount of fiber that improves intestinal transit, thus having a pleasant digestion. It is also known to fight cancer cells.

Capsulas de Graviola
The graviola capsules, made with the leaves of the plants, have a large number of active components that help dissolve the fat cells that gets accumulated in the less indicated places of the organism, being these pills, good allies in the time to lose weight.
This plant is mostly seen in Latin American countries, especially in countries that are in Central and South America. The highest concentration of these plants is found in the jungles of Peru.
Graviola is known for giving a fruit of magnificent flavor, which is used to make juices, but is also known to be a fruit that has great health benefits; Some of the health benefits that this fruit promotes, is its ability to purify the liver and maintain a stable level of blood sugar.
The graviola powder, which is extracted directly from the leaves of the plant, is used for the preparation of tea and infusions, this powder when ingested, helps the inflammation of areas suffering from this condition, thus reducing the pain.

Guanabana abierta
Origen of Graviola
Graviola is of American origin, most of these trees are harvested and grown in countries that are located in the Americas, especially in Peru; these countries are mostly from a tropical climate, as this is the most appropriate for the plant that gives the fruit grow without any problem.
The discovery of the graviola or also called the tree of soursop, goes back to the epoch of the colonizers, this plant was already used by the natives who lived in zones of the center and south of America, but they began to give more notoriety to the be used for the exchange with the colonizers who arrived in the area.
The natives who lived in the central and southern areas of America used the graviola as a medicinal plant, but these with the arrival of the colonizers made the product known for the use of trade, only revealed that this fruit was of pleasant taste, but the medicinal benefits only they knew existed.
The highest concentration of graviola or guanabana tree plants is located between Peru and Brazil; Brazil and Peru are the countries where graviola is mostly bought and sold.

Árbol de la Graviola
Properties of the Graviola
The graviola is a tree that provides a fairly large number of health benefits, these medicinal and aesthetic benefits, are obtained both from the plant as such (stem and leaves) and also from the fruits that this magnificent plant generates. Among some of the properties obtained from the graviola are:
Anti-inflammatory properties
There have been a series of studies that show that graviola has both properties that help to reduce inflammation and antioxidants, which together help to alleviate pain in many areas of the body. Body pains are usually caused by muscle inflammations, which are attacked efficiently by the graviola.
Antioxidant properties
Many people like graviola powder, since it has antioxidant properties that help them lead a healthier lifestyle, antioxidants promote the oxidation of fats in the body and help our body function more effectively and healthy.
Lowers blood sugar
Studies have shown that taking graviola in tea, significantly lowers blood sugar, have conducted a series of investigations that show that blood glucose is decreaing and stabilized in patients suffering from diabetes.
Helps in the prevention of ulcers
Among many of the benefits that this plant brings to the life of the human being and his health are those that ingested in correct doses this plant, can reinforce the mucous lining of the stomach, thus avoiding the appearance of ulcers, this plant also helps notably in digestion.
Decreased blood pressure
Graviola tea and capsules for sale, is one of the many products that helps you lower blood pressure, to improve this the body is benefited and avoids the risks of other types of ailments.
Uses of graviola
You can give many uses to the plant of the graviola, the parts of this plant hat are used to extract their properties are, the leaves, these are the ones that have the greatest variety of uses, the leaves are mostly used to make infusions or tea, the medicinal properties that graviola leaves when ingested are varied, among them are: lower blood pressure, reduce blood sugar, and high levels of fiber, which helps to go to the bathroom.

hojas de graviola
The fruit of the graviola plant also has a fairly large number of benefits, among which is helping to reverse the ravages of asthma. Asthma is a disease caused by pulmonary obstruction that significantly depletes the life of those who suffer from it, but when taking the juice of the fruit of the graviola, asthma decreases.
Scientific studies conducted at Purdue University in Indiana, USA and Japan, have shown exceptional benefits for the treatment of certain types of cancerous tumors, especially those located in the lung, pancreas and prostate.
On the other hand, the seeds of the fruit of the graviola plant, provide the benefits that are obtained from the leaves and the fruit, but all together in a small seed, the seeds of graviola from Peru, are very commonly taken by the inhabitants of that locality, since the benefits that these plants and their derivatives bring are too broad.
Scientists according to studies of the graviola plant, both of the plant and such (stem, leaves and roots), are also studying the fruits it is given, since many comment that the medicinal benefits of the plant are innumerable .
The leaves of graviola or rather the extracts that come from it, are used for the creation of capsules, flours and in some cases they are also filtered to make tea and infusions.
The fruit of the plant has a delicious flavor that combined with other ingredients, are liked by many, among some of the preparations that we recommend are those that we will mention below:
Graviola Smoothie: Soursop powder is taken; a glass of milk, either whole, skim or semi-skim; sugar or honey (optional); Unite all this in a blender, let it mix well, then serve in a glass to drink and enjoy its rich flavor.

Jugo de Guanabana
- Graviola jam: Graviola powder is needed to make a guanabana jam; sugar and water; the preparation is quite simple, in a pot heat the water with the sugar until making a syrup, then join the soursop flour with the syrup and mix until the preparation is ready.Graviola cookies: You only need soursop powder, eggs, margarine and sugar. You need to take the margarine and stir with the sugar, when they are well integrated add the eggs and flour, when you have the dough ready you just have to put it in the oven and let it cook until it is a golden color.Soursop preparations are quite nutritious, but should not be eaten more than twice a week.
Side effects
The graviola brings a series of benefits to everyone’s life if it is used in a correct way and not consumed excessively, it is known that everything in excess is bad, so below we will tell you what are the side effects that can occur if you wrongly ingest graviola; Among the side effects are:
Low blood pressure: Taking a lot of the plant and the fruit that is given, can cause a lack of control of blood pressure, the lack of control of blood pressure that causes it to lower the pressure, since the graviola causes dilatation of the vessels blood
Pregnancy: It is not advisable to take this plant while in gestation, since it can cause uterine contractions and later end up having an abortion or the expulsion of the fetus at a premature age.