Cat’s Claw

Cat’s claw in various parts of the world is used to improve the health status of people; In fact, it is quite popular for its ability to aid in weight loss. The plant originates in Peru in the jungle areas and in the Amazon river basin.

In addition, the plant has expanded naturally in several countries of South America; therefore, it can also be found in Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, among others that make up the region. The plant has the shape of a really extensive vine that is hidden among the foliage; It can extend to more than 300 meters, which is a clear sign of the strength of the plant.

The cat’s claw in tea arrived in Europe and other continents through the export of the product from Peru. Cat’s claw powder is mainly exported and inside the country you can see cat’s claw for sale in all its presentations. It is recommended to consume as naturally as possible so that it retains all its natural properties intact.

What is the purpose of the Cat’s Claw?

The Uña de gato is a medicinal plant that since ancient times has a large number of uses for health. The history of the cat’s claw goes back to the ancient indigenous tribes that used this plant. Mainly, they used it to alleviate the common ailments of the males of the tribe; who went out to find food for survival.

Cat’s claw is also known by its scientific name of Uncaria tormentosa. Similarly, it is important to mention that the most usual way to consume it is cat’s claw in tea, also in cat’s claw capsules, but we must emphasize that despite the multiple benefits of it, it has a strong flavor.

In addition to cat’s claw in tea you can make the purchase of cat’s claw powder; This latest presentation of cat’s claw in capsules for sale can be found easily in our online catalog.

If you want to know a little more about the benefits of cat’s claw we have interesting information; thanks to advances in science it has been determined that this plant is capable of alleviating various ailments; however, we must also mention that experimentation continues to demonstrate more of the benefits of cat’s claw.


Benefits of Cat’s Claw


Among the benefits of cat’s claw stands out that it has a

1. Great ability to inhibit tumor necrosis. This occurs as a response of the immune system to foreign organisms in the body. In fact, the secretion of tumor necrosis factor occurs by the interferons of the immune system; Cat’s claw is able to inhibit the excess of this response.
2. Similarly, it also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that helps reduce the production of edema; the way he does it is quite effective for the natural functioning of the body. Basically, it increases the osmolarity or concentration of solutes in the blood and intestinal lumen; as a result, excess fluid is eliminated by increasing renal filtration.
3. It also helps lose weight to people who have fluid retention; Due to the diuretic power that the cat’s claw possesses, it becomes an assistant of diets. In addition to that, it also helps burn fat during regular exercise routines; but it is important to clarify that it can not be used in excess because it can cause side effects.
4. It also provides benefits for people suffering from the so-called deposit diseases; as is the case of arthritis and gout. In these patients, it is able to relieve pain and help eliminate crystal deposits that cause the symptoms of the disease. To do this, you should consume at least once a day without abusing the concentration of tea.

Uses of the cat’s claw

1. Cat’s claw as a depurative; is one of the best known uses worldwide and the reason why it is consumed more frequently. It is true that the waste can agglomerate in the intestines and hinder the passage of the same; therefore, it is necessary to perform a regular cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract.
2. Cat’s claw can also be detoxifying; therefore, it scans the liver toxins that occur naturally; as well as the fats product of the inadequate feeding and the consumption of alcohol. In short, it is able to improve liver function and protect the body from its toxicity.
3. Cat’s claw is one of the most complete analgesics, it has the power to heal a series of bodily ailments; the union of its desinflammatory and circulatory properties, make it a perfect ally, you must not stop having this plant in your home.
4. If you have any stomach discomfort due to the intake of food in poor conditions, prepare some cat’s claw powder, take this and you will feel great improvements.

History, traditional and medicinal uses

This cat’s claw plant was found for the first time in areas of the tropics of Peru; the vine has the capacity to reach an extension of 30 meters long; the tribes that had their settlements in zones near where this silver grew, gave a frequent use of this one, since it has extensive properties that help to an important amount of diseases.

This plant has been given an importan use since immemorial times, it is dated that since the jungle areas of Peru have inhabitants, this plant has use and validity; the use of the plant was proliferated when the settlers arrived and they began to market it in different parts of the world.

Even though this plant is traded in different areas of the world, the greatest concentration of consumers of this is found in South America. With the passage of time the use of this plant increased in a very remarkable way in natural medicine.

The tribes that were accentuated in the zones of the jungle tropic of Peru, used this plant in a variety of spiritual ceremonies. Being this an important plant in the country, it is used in an increasing number of ways.

Among the most traditional and main uses given to the cat’s claw, is to be taken as an infusion for the relief of general malaise, be it headache or the onset of the flu.

The medicinal attributes that can be given to the cat’s claw are; that of functional as a potent analgesic. This helps relieve a series of pains. Another use of this plant is to strengthen the immune system, thus avoiding low defenses, which can then cause us to get sick.

Components of the cat’s claw:

Plant: Mitrafilina, uncarina F, iso-mitrafilina, ursólico acid and oleanolico acid.
Leaves: Alkaloids.
Bark: Alkaloids, isopentane compounds, glycosides, steroids, 3 a-dihydrocadambine.
Stem: Alkaloids, isopentane compounds, glycosides.
Root: Uncarina F, speciofilina, isopteropodina, pteroropodina, isomitrafilina, rincofilina, isorincofilina, mitrafilina, epicatequina and procianidina.


There are a variety of preparations with the cat’s claw, among some of these are a series of popular remedies such as:

Anti-inflammatory remedy: Pour 100 g of cat’s claw powder into 1 bottle of wine. Close hermetically and leave macerating for a week. After that time, take 2 tablespoons a day for two weeks. This preparation will help you reduce inflammation effectively.
Remedy for fever: Pour 150 g of powder of this plant and 2 handfuls of ginger also well crushed to a bottle and a half of common wine. Cook in a bain-marie for twelve hours. Then put this medicine exposed to the sun for 5 days. Filter the mixture and drink every 2 hours 2 tablespoons for at least two weeks.
Remedy to detoxify the liver: Put in the stove half a liter of water to boil, add a fist of bark of cat’s claw when the water has boiled, let it rest until the infusion is at a temperature that can be consumed and is not excessive heat.
Remedy for arthritis: In a liter of water, pour about 30 grams of pieces of cat’s claw, these should be well dried; It should boil for 30 minutes. Leave in rest about 10 minutes. Stretch the preparation; One cup should be taken every 24 hours, preferably after breakfast.


It is important to clarify that the consumption of cat’s claw can not be used in excess because it can cause side effects such as diarrhea.

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