World Soil Day 🌱
World Soil Day World Soil Day 2019 (#WorldSoilDay) and its campaign “Stop soil erosion, save our future” aims to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems and human well-being, addressing the growing challenges in soil...
Day of the Dead
The day of the dead is a holiday celebrated in South America since times before the conquest, there are records of more than 3000 years where the tribute and respect that was given to the ancestors is evidenced. After the conquest the church believed it was convenient...
World Food Day 🚜🌿
It is ironic that during our time; twice the amount of food needed to feed the more than 7.3 billion people who inhabit this planet will be produced annually, however nearly 800 million persons go hungry every year, that’s almost 11%. To prevent famine from being a...
Spring Equinox in the Andes 🌄
Spring in the Andes On September 21, the Spring Equinox is celebrated in the Southern Hemisphere, upon arrival of Spring on this side of the continent our peoples are preparing to start the planting campaigns, as we know this is an ideal season for sowing and...