Cocoa powder is considered a superfood due to its great health benefits. The versatility of cacao or cocoa powder allows us to incorporate this food into our diet very easily.
Its natural origin offers you many nutrients necessary to have a healthy life, so it is a superfood that you should not stop eating. The importance of cacao has made it a highly commercialized product since we can find it in many presentations and in different uses.
Description of cacao powder
Well, cacao powder is the result of a process that is subjected to the cacao process where the natural cocoa butter is removed. This is done through the use of hydraulic presses and other food components. This process results in the powdery texture and well recognized brown color of cacao.

Nutrients in cacao powder
Cacao is a food that can have a significant number of calories. But in its powder form, removing the butter can lower your calorie levels to a great extent.
In this way, we can enjoy the nutrients in this superfood. Much research has shown that cacao powder is very beneficial for health. Its positive impact is due to the fact that cacao contains nutrients, such as vitamins, fiber, minerals and polyphenols.
All these nutrients are necessary in our body; therefore, we must include them in our diet. One of the contributions that stands out the most is fiber, cacao powder is rich in this nutrient, and this can help you have a better intestinal regularity.
Cacao powder is a food that, due to its components at the time of consumption, generates the sensation of fullness. This feeling will help you control your weight. Another important component of cacao powder is the presence of B vitamins, which makes it a superfood that you should consume.

Benefits of cacao powder in our health
Every day research shows that cacao has more benefits than is known. Since its health benefits are more and more numerous. This has led to it being included in many supplemental products and natural products for the benefit of health.
One of the benefits that cocoa powder gives us is the large amount of antioxidants it contains. These natural antioxidants are necessary in our body and will help us to have better health. Compared to other food, cacao powder contains more antioxidants than green tea or even wine.
But not only is it rich in antioxidants, with cacao powder we can meet the iron demand of our body. With just a couple of tablespoons of cocoa we can cover 100% of what our body needs. In addition, we will also provide zinc, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Let’s see what are the effects of the benefits on our body of consuming cacao powder and why it is so necessary that we include it in our diet.

Decreases the appearance of cancer
Cacao powder is rich in antioxidants, these same protect our cells. This protection helps our body to reduce the possible appearance of various types of cancer.
It has been proven by scientific studies that the constant consumption of cacao powder helps prevent the development of liver, prostate, breast and colon cancer. Whether it helps reduce the risk of leukemia is still being studied.
Goodbye inflammation
The components of cacao powder are natural, and these contain flavonoids. This natural component helps your body eliminate and reduce inflammation. The consumption of pure cacao powder is highly recommended if the person suffers from chronic inflammation. Since cacao will decrease the inflammation of these diseases.
Antibacterial properties
Many of the bacteria that enter our body is through the mouth, and this is where cacao powder has a positive impact on our health. The antibacterial properties of this superfood act as protection in our mouth after consuming it.
After ingesting it, its properties remain in our mouth, preventing and reducing the appearance of cavities and gum problems, and other types of diseases.
Among the benefits there are many more that can help us improve our health. But let’s see the uses and preparation of cacao powder.

Uses and preparation of cacao powder
Cacao powder allows you to use it in many ways, from drinks, spreads, desserts, food, in baking and it can also be used in products such as soaps and using shampoo. You can also use it in vitamin supplements and supplements that will help us stay healthy.
Preparation of cacao powder
Like most of the products that nature offers us, cacao powder is a very versatile product that can be prepared in many ways.
If we want to prepare a drink with cacao powder, we recommend using 100% natural Cacao Powder. This is a Peruvian cocoa, totally natural, being one of the best cocoas in the world. You can do this by mixing it with a little milk.
This drink can be consumed both hot and cold, the important thing is that you consume cacao powder for the great benefits it brings and for its positive impact on our health.
If you want to consume cacao in other equally healthy natural presentations, you can try roasted cacao beans. They are totally natural and best of all, they have the same benefits as cacao powder.

Naturally cool
Nature provides us with all the nutrients we need. It is very important that we consume 100% natural products and that the areas where these foods are grown are protected. In this way we will continue to enjoy the benefits that nature gives us, such as cacao powder.