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Black Maca, the root of the libido

Black Maca, the root of the libido

Black Maca It is known as andean black maca or Peruvian black maca. For its health benefits it is also called the black gold of the Andes. Within all types of maca, black maca is the rarest and least frequent. Its harvest represents only 15% of the total harvest in...

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Red Maca, a natural Superfood

Red Maca, a natural Superfood

Red Maca Red maca is a tuber originating in the Andean area of Peru and was used as food since the time of the Incas.. The red maca crop in Peru represents 25% of the annual maca crop. Among all the colors of maca root, red maca has been highly appreciated for more...

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Maca, the gift of the Inca gods

Maca, the gift of the Inca gods

Maca The maca root whose scientific name is Lepidium meyenii Walp. o Lepidium peruvianum is a plant of Peruvian origin that is located within the botanical family of Brassicaceae and was described by Gerhard Walpers in 1843. It is also popularly known as andean maca...

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Lucuma: The Next Delicious Superfood from Peru

Lucuma: The Next Delicious Superfood from Peru

Legend has it that an Andean goddess refused love, until a mythological being, disguised as a beggar, conquered her with a lucuma fruit, which in Inca mythology represented fertility. In the northern valleys, lucuma seeds appear in earthenware vessels, pottery instruments and in the tombs of the nobles.

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