Black Maca
It is known as andean black maca or Peruvian black maca. For its health benefits it is also called the black gold of the Andes. Within all types of maca, black maca is the rarest and least frequent. Its harvest represents only 15% of the total harvest in Peru.
The Inca civilization used it in many natural remedies and from that time they already knew its properties to improve energy and endurance, as well as sexual desire. Since the seventeenth century it is known, through the chroniclers of the conquest of Peru, about the properties that maca had on increasing fertility.
Among all types of maca, black maca is believed to have the most potent and with the fastest effects.

Black Maca opened
Special Properties of Black Maca
Black maca has many properties, among them are the increase in physical and sexual resistance, increase in male and female fertility, enhances mental concentration and has revitalizing properties. It also has adaptogenic properties, which allows our body to adapt and prepare for stressful situations.
Nutritional Value
Black maca is a Superfood rich in essential nutrients such as amino acids, antioxidants, fatty acids, carbohydrates, glucosilonates, fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, calcium and iron. The active compound of maca is macaridine, which is an alkaloid that has not been found in any other plant and is responsible for the properties and benefits offered by the tuberculous root plant. Another of the main components that give its properties to black maca is macamide, it acts on the hypothalamus and adrenal glands and that is why black maca has an effect on hormones and energy levels. Macamide also has an effect on the increase in blood flow in the pelvic area, so it stimulates sexual potency. Black maca has effects on blood flow transport and thus lowers the ailments of low blood pressure. This tuber contains iodine, which stimulates the thyroid, and zinc that strengthens the immune system. It has been suggested that black maca has benefits on the quality of sleep, as well as on the improvement of pain injuries and discomfort.
Although the black maca has black color, after processing, the resulting powder has a color very similar to the rest of the macas, although sometimes a little darker.

Black Maca in powder
Benefits of on human health and main beneficiaries of its consumption
The consumption of black maca has many health benefits, as it promotes good mood, improves memory, concentration and learning, reduces stress and fatigue. It also inhibits acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme linked to the Alzheimer’s process, so it is believed that it can prevent such disease.
In the case of men, black maca increases fertility by increasing the number of sperm and its mobility and it has also been seen to have an effect on the increase in testosterone. In the case of women, it helps regulate the menstrual cycle, because it rebalances hormonal levels, mainly estrogen. Black maca is widely known for improving libido and fertility in men, as it has aphrodisiac effects on men who have suffered impotence, low sex drive and fertility problems.

black maca roots
Black maca is highly consumed by athletes, both for amateur and professional athletes. This plant has the ability to enhance resistance and energy levels, which gives it a natural advantage and retards the onset of fatigue symptoms. A study conducted to verify the effect of black maca on the increase in sports capacity showed that cyclists who had consumed black maca had a better performance than those who had not consumed it. The increase in resistance is caused by the regulation of blood sugar levels, and the strengthening of the adrenal glands. Having stable blood sugar levels, and the adrenal function of the stable organism, makes us have a greater supply of energy to exercise. The increase in resistance levels is ideal for people who regularly practice sports, as it helps burn fat more easily, and helps resist cardio exercises more easily and for longer. Maca may also help in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, adrenal fatigue, and to restore the energy and vigor of the elderly.
Among other benefits of black maca is its ability to increase bone capacity in post menopausal women, where the best results have been obtained by consuming pre-gelatinized maca.

Organic black maca
In addition to all these benefits, black maca powder is also related to the decrease in body inflammation and the decrease in blood sugar levels, so it is beneficial for diabetics. It is also linked to weight loss, building muscle mass, preventing prostate problems, decreasing the symptoms of Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, as well as better blood pressure control.
Black maca is recommended for executives who work under pressure and for several hours a day, as well as for students, for its effects on memory, learning and stress. It is also recommended for couples with fertility problems, because of its effects on sexuality; as well as for athletes because of its effects on physical performance. It is proposed as a good palliative for postmenopausal women and for those who suffer from menstrual cramps.
How is black maca consumed?
This type of maca is sold in powder and capsules and its use is recommended daily, consuming 3 to 6 capsules. It is also in the form of liquor, pills, extracts, but the most consumed forms are black maca powder and black maca in capsules. For powder use, it is recommended to add it to smoothies, tea, juices, milk or yogurts in the morning or cakes or other desserts and preparations during the day. It is also consumed as food, but it needs to be cooked previously.

black maca powder
The use of black maca as invigorating, energizing and enhancing sexual desire and fertility has been known since time immemorial. At present it is considered a Superfood for its properties and health benefits, which is why it is a product highly demanded and consumed around the world.
Get our organic black maca powder from the Peruvian Andean Mountains of Cuzco. Genuine Maca exclusive from the Incas.